16 Feb 2016

4moms Mamaroo Review...

There's not much to say about the 4moms Mamaroo other than the fact that it's amazing! I really love it! I was a bit sceptical at first as I was worried that if I used it all the time Jude would get used to be rocked all the time & i really didn't want him getting used to being rocked to sleep which I thought using this would do but surprisingly it hasn't had that effect at all! He just is very calm and happy when he's in the chair which is great for me. I know that when I'm rushing around trying to get things done I can pop him in the Mamaroo and he's safe and happy in there! He's moving & listening to music or the sound effects on the machine & hes playing with the hanging toy bar which he loves! 

I love that I can control it from my phone & play music from my phone through the chair. I think that's amazing' there's no other chair out there that can do what this chair does. It's a little prissy at £259.00 but I really do think it's worth the money! 

When Jude was little it would help him fall to sleep peacefully & he would have a really good sleep in there and he would sleep much longer than he would in his crib which was great for me when I wanted to catch up on sleep too :)!! 

Hope this helps some mama's looking into buying the 4moms Mamaroo!! 


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